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02 Apr 2012

Cyclosystem launches its new website

Welcome to our newly re-designed website – WWW.CYCLOSYSTEM.COM


Cyclosystem had several key goals in creating the new site. We wanted it to be attractive with a sophisticated look, easy to navigate, and make effective use of design elements to bring out our corporate colours. It must present a clear and compelling description of who we are and what we do, and allow those who are interested in our equipment to contact us to discuss their requirements.

Among the features found at our new website is a flashboard that displays images of our range of equipment. The images are accompanied by hyperlinks to directly connect our readers to the product they’re interested in. There is also the capability to sign up to receive additional information on our company, latest equipment and have our electronic newsletter emailed.   It was designed with the guidance to easily update all our readers.  We truly believe we have achieved all our objectives with this new site.


We invite you to visit WWW.CYCLOSYSTEM.COM and let us know what you think about our new website.  We’re open to suggestions on how we can make it even better.


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Cyclosystem Pte Ltd
15 Woodlands Sector 1, Singapore 738355

: (+65) 6455 4111
: (+65) 6455 0111


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